We Need to Reduce Our Plastic Production...

Plastic pollution in our oceans is a severe issue with millions of tons of plastic waste entering each year, harming wildlife through ingestion and entanglement, biodiversity & ultimately disrupting ecosystems. Furthermore, plastics can leach toxic chemicals into food and water supplies, posing significant health risks to humans. By curbing plastic production, we can mitigate these adverse effects, ensuring healthier ecosystems and safer living conditions for all species.

The Challenge we Face...

50% of all plastics are designed to be used only once and then thrown away.

Up to 12.5 million metric tons of plastic enter the oceans annually.

Only 9% of all plastic waste ever produced has been recycled.

By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by weight if current trends continue.

Globally humans use about 1 million plastic bottles per minute.

Our Mission:

"At Vitae, our mission is to eliminate the oceans' plastic pollution."

We continue to work for a Zero Plastic Future.

Our journey began with a commitment to combating the pervasive issue of ocean plastic pollution. Our passion for sustainability drives everything we do. From pioneering plastic-free alternatives to leading initiatives for cleaner oceans, we're dedicated to reshaping the future of environmental responsibility. 


Together, we strive to create a world where our oceans thrive and future generations can enjoy a cleaner and healthier planet. That’s why we donate 100% of our Net profits to the Vitae Foundation, supporting awareness and cleanup Initiatives.


To ensure we can continue supporting this mission and grow our business responsibly, we reinvest part of our revenue into the company. This reinvestment is crucial for maintaining high-quality products/services and expanding our reach, ultimately allowing us to contribute even more to Our Foundation.


We believe in transparency and want you to know exactly how your support helps us make a difference. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

Vitae / CEO

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