Reduce the production of plastic

Manage effectively plastic waste

Restore balance through cleanup initiatives

No stopping until we make it



Plastics made from fossil fuels pollute every known corner of the Earth.


To mitigate the impacts of climate change, we must understand the planet's largest climate regulator: The Oceans.


Animals ingest plastic, mistaking it for food, leading to injuries and death. 

Health Risks

Plastic pollution poses significant health risks through toxic chemical exposure and contamination of food and water sources.

The Challenge we Face...

Plastic pollution in our oceans and rivers is a critical environmental issue with far-reaching consequences. Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste enter these water bodies, resulting in significant harm to marine and freshwater ecosystems. The sources of this pollution are diverse, including single-use plastics, industrial waste, and microplastics from degraded larger items.

Key Points:

  • 50%

    Of all plastics are designed to be used only once and then thrown away.

  • 8 Million 

    An estimated 8 million tons of plastic waste enter the oceans each year.

  • 9%

    Only 9% of all plastic waste ever produced has been recycled.

  • 2050 

    By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by weight if current trends continue.

We Need to Reduce Our Plastic Production...

Most plastics are not biodegradable and persist in ecosystems, leading to pollution that harms wildlife through ingestion and entanglement, ultimately disrupting biodiversity. Furthermore, plastics can leach toxic chemicals into food and water supplies, posing significant health risks to humans. By curbing plastic production, we can mitigate these adverse effects, ensuring healthier ecosystems and safer living conditions for all species.

We Need to Effectively manage our Plastic Waste...

To prevent plastic from ending up in oceans and rivers, we must implement effective waste management strategies such as recycling, composting, and responsible disposal. Encouraging biodegradable alternatives, promoting extended producer responsibility, and educating communities are vital steps in preventing plastic pollution in our waterways.

We Need to Restore Environmental Balance Through Cleanup Initiatives...

Cleanup initiatives play a vital role in restoring environmental balance by removing plastic pollution from ecosystems. These efforts not only beautify landscapes but also protect wildlife and preserve biodiversity. Engaging communities in cleanup activities fosters environmental stewardship and raises awareness about the importance of waste reduction and proper disposal.

Our impact is recognized by:

The No Single-Use Plastic Collection...

The No Single-Use Plastic Collection: is a cornerstone of our plastic reduction efforts, aiming to curb disposable plastic usage. Parts Of the Funds generated from this initiative finance research and cleanup projects, aiding our mission for a cleaner, healthier environment.

Shop Plastic Free

Frequently Asked Questions

What is VITAE's mission?

At VITAE our mission is to eliminate the pollution of plastic in our oceans and rivers by embracing the principles of reduction, management, and restoring. Click to Learn more

How does VITAE plan to measure the success of its efforts in the fight against plastic pollution?

We measure success by tracking key metrics such as the amount of plastic waste removed from waterways through cleanup efforts, the adoption of Plastic alternatives by consumers, and the impact of research findings on plastic pollution prevention strategies.

How does my Purchase contribute to research and cleanup projects?

A portion of the proceeds from every purchase made goes directly towards funding research and cleanup projects aimed at combating plastic pollution in our oceans and rivers. Customers are not only switching to Plastic Alternative products but also actively contributing to the preservation of our planet's natural ecosystems.

Is VITAE a non-profit organization?

VITAE is not a non-profit organization. However, we are committed to allocating a percentage of our funds toward Plastic pollution elimination initiatives to preserve our oceans and rivers.

How does VITAE ensure transparency in the allocation of funds towards Plastic pollution elimination efforts?

We ensure transparency by maintaining detailed records of our financial activities and regularly publishing reports on how funds are allocated towards pollution elimination initiatives. Additionally, we welcome inquiries from the public regarding our financial practices and are committed to upholding the highest standards of accountability and integrity.

Contact us to learn More.

What educational resources does VITAE provide to raise awareness about plastic pollution?

We utilize Our blog, Instagram and other online channels to provide a diverse range of educational resources aimed at raising awareness about plastic pollution. These resources include informative articles, engaging videos, eye-catching infographics, and downloadable educational materials.
